Virtual Workspace Online by Technology WEB 3.0



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Our Services
File Exchange

Service Hotline

  Our business hours:
  MO - FR 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM (EST)
  or by appointment

  Phone Support:
  +1 800-839-1487
  (call for free)


  STE 4
  BOCA RATON, FL 33487




First name:  *


Name:  *


Adress:  *


ZIP code:  *


City:  *


State / country:  *


If you have questions about our offer, please leave a short message here:




Email:  *


We want to prevent script code to enter our website. Therefore, to send this form, your email program such as Outlook or Thunderbird, will be automatically started. After filling in this form you will not get any service contract with We will contact you and send you information about our online offer. Your data will not be distributed to third parties or used for advertisement.

Sending the document online I recognize the conditions of use of our online services.


If you are interested in our online offer, you can contact us here. We will advise you without obligation about security and privacy concerning virtual workplaces and online data storage. Furthermore, we provide a secure from espionage online method of communication.
To contact us use this form, which enables you to register for a free consultation.

To test the virtual environment we offer the option of using a test account. To prevent abuse, we offer this trial only customers, who have registered through our contact form. We ask for your understanding.

If the login function does not work using HTML5, you will find alternative access software.

This free access allows you to test the basic functions and characteristics of the virtual workplace. The restriction of a test account is that this is not an individual workspace. Because of that, data that you store in the "personal" folder there, are not permanent and can be viewed by other testers, differently to an individually registered user access.

Other than individual user accounts, the IP - addresses of test - users will be recorded for reasons of security against abuse of our server based services.

Log in with the username and password that we will send you for the trial account.

As an alternative to online - order (filling in the form, left) you also have the option to send your request per email

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